- SPRING 2025: Hands on Permaculture Design Course.
- 4 weekends: April 26/27, May 10/11, May 24/25 and June 7/8. (You can camp here!) Note: Dates can change by class agreement. Bring your calendar to first class.
(IN UPDATE MODE) More info, click here: tinyurl.com/PDCSpring24
- 72+ Hour Hands-On Permaculture Design Course
- Course Handbook and Approved International Curriculum
- Permaculture Institute of North America Course Graduation Certificate
For more information about the course Click Here (IN UPDATE MODE)
Location: Practical Permaculture Farm near Grass Valley, Northern California
To see fee structure or discounts, go to bottom of registration page, Click Here.
Once you register, you will be emailed directions and what to bring.
Even more info:
call Cathe’ at 530–432 ‑5109 farm office phone,
or text 530–864-5036
or e‑mail practicalpermaculture@gmail.com
Please use our contact form to get on our class e‑mail list or e‑mail us.
Feel free to contact us for more information:
Cathe’ Fish, Director
Practical Permaculture Research Institute
530–432-5109 e‑mail: practicalpermaculture at gmail.com
“What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet. We don’t know what details of a truly sustainable future are going to be like, but we need options, we need people experimenting in all kinds of ways and permaculturists are one of the critical gangs that are doing that.”
Dr David Suzuki geneticist and broadcaster
“You can fix all the world’s problems in a garden…You can solve all your pollution problems and all your supply line needs in a garden. And most people today don’t actually know that and that makes most people insecure.”
Geoff Lawton, Permaculture Designer, Teacher and Collegue
“The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for Him there.”
George Bernard Shaw
Spring 2023 Graduates:
-“One of the best endeavors of my life. And I now have a group of friends who are working together.”
-“This course has affected me immensely. I have the tools I need to grow food and further my education in permaculture.” -“This course took me out of depression, gave me hope and changed me for the better. The possibilities are continuous.”
-“Elevated my spirit and being. Gave me hope and inspiration.”
-“Permanent eye-opening information. I have more confidence in my abilities, and a wealth of knowledge, contacts, ideas and new friends to do it with. My potential is unlimited.”
-“The practical experience of our instruction was invaluable, along with “real world” people, projects, organizations, reference material, and the great class handbook.” -“The diversity in the course work and the class was amazing. It was jam packed and bursting with usable info.”
-” I loved the examples given how individuals and groups around the world have turned their passions into impactful experiences and meaningful projects to heal and restore the earth and grow food. So inspiring.”
-“This workshop felt very holistic to me. I would rate it as a 10 out of 10 for inspiration, passion, vision.”
-“I feel confident and capable to make effective positive changes in my life and in my community. I want to do whatever I can to grow this knowledge. I have been waiting my whole life to be here.”
-“Wow, this course was an introduction to a long path ahead of me. I am deeply grateful for this new community of friends.” -“This is an excellent course for anyone who wants to regenerate their land and live sustainably with nature. If we hadn’t taken this course, we would not have purchased our property. Thank you.”
-“This course is a positive mental health diet. I now know I have the ability to do for myself what needs to be done to survive.”
-“Love your powerful emotional teaching style. Fully inspired and ready to go to work.”