



Cathe’ Fish: Prac­ti­cal Per­ma­cul­ture Research Insti­tute 

Shan Kendall, Tra­di­tion­al Nourishment

Chris Ker­ston, Chaf­fin Fam­i­ly Orchards

Stephanie and Bri­an Lad­wig Coop­er, own­ers Gaia Cre­ations Land­scape Company 

Der­vaes Fam­i­ly con­verts 1/5 acre city lot into eco-oasis

Design­ing and Main­tain­ing Your Edi­ble Land­scape Nat­u­ral­ly Robert Kourik 

Peak Moment Con­ver­sa­tions with my neigh­bors Robyn and Jana­ia

Earth­Flow Design Works: Lar­ry Santoya 

David Bain­bridge taught at Per­ma­cul­ture Design Course I took in 1987



Tom Ward was my main teacher Per­ma­cul­ture Design Course in Elgin Az in 1987 



The World With­out Humans: Alan Weis­man

Alan Weis­man author of Gaviotas

The Cane­lo Project: Bill and Athena Swentzel Steen

Plant Helpers and Teach­ers: Mimi Kamp, Boton­ist, Illustrator 

Rain­wa­ter Har­vest­ing for Dry­lands: Brad Lan­cast­er

The Last Straw: Judy Knox and Matts Myhrman 

Dan Dorsey, one of my late 1980s per­ma­cul­ture students


New Mex­i­co

Shel­ter Online with Bill Steen Pho­tos: Sue Mullen’s Straw Bale Apothecary 

Rox­anne Swentzel Flow­er­ing Tree Permaculture 

The Last Straw: Nina and Steve MacDonald 

Cather­ine Wanek

Super Salve Com­pa­ny: Denise Tra­cy

Sun Dial Hot­springs: Shel­ley Donovan

Per­ma­cul­ture Insti­tute: Scott and Ari­na Pittman

Dan How­ell we took the Per­ma­cul­ture Design Course togeth­er in 1987



Cen­tral Rocky Moun­tain Insti­tute: Jerome Osen­towski



Fun­gi Per­fec­ti: Paul Stamets

Friends of The Trees Soci­ety: Michael Pilars­ki



Poly­face Farms: Joel Salatin



Eth­nob­otanist: James Duke, Green Phar­ma­cy 

Mini-course in Med­ical Botany: James Duke



Of the Field- Look Down and Eat Up with Lin­da Runyun


New York

Ethan Roland Apple­seed Per­ma­cul­ture

Maine                                                                                                                                                                             Geoff

Eliot Cole­man Four Sea­sons Farm Win­ter Gardening 



Robyn Fran­cis, Per­ma­cul­ture Col­lege of Australia

Geoff Law­ton, Zay­tu­na Farm The Channons

Paul Tay­lor Aus­tralian Soil Addi­tives & Products

Aus­tralian Felix Per­ma­cul­ture: Dar­ren Doherty 

Holm­gren Design Ser­vices with David Holm­gren



Tagari: Bill Mol­li­son



the late Masanobu Fukuo­ka’s Nat­ur­al Farm­ing and Permaculture