News & Articles

News & Articles


How Cor­po­ra­tions Like Mon­san­to Have Hijacked High­er Education

Don’t Eat These Foods

Mobile Slaugh­ter­hous­es Help Meat Go Local

Rocky Times Ahead: Small Friend­ly Groups Orga­nize for Uncer­tain Future

Tran­si­tion Towns in a Chang­ing World 

Bee­line to Extinction 

Raise Rabitts

Young French Farm­ers: Cheap Food or Healthy Food 

Wild Bison Intro­duced to Mid­west Prarie

Eat Bac­te­ria in Dirt to Boost Brain Pow­er and Fight Depression

Self-Suf­fi­cient Farm­ing Increas­ing Yields across Hawaii

Time­line of Recent Mys­te­ri­ous Bird and Fish Deaths

Sui­cide by Pes­ti­cide: Indi­a’s Hid­den Cli­mate Change Catastrophe

Sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly Greener 

Cor­nu­copia Institue Comes Out With Organ­ic Dairy Scorecard 

Organ­ic Egg Scorecard 

The Great­est Dan­ger by Joan­na Macy

In Kenya, Farm­ers Grow Their Own With­out Monsanto 

Van­danya Shi­va: Val­ue Soil not Oil

Raw Milk or Dead Milk?

Orange Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia, cou­ple face steep fines — and pos­si­bly jail time — for replac­ing a con­ven­tion­al grass lawn with drought-tol­er­ant landscaping

Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Bio­log­i­cal Sci­ences: A Com­par­i­son of the Effects of Three Genet­i­cal­ly Mod­i­fied Corn Vari­eties on Mam­malian Health Sum­ma­ry: Mam­mals Injest­ing GMO Corn Suf­fer Liv­er, Kid­ney and Heart Damage. 

Van­dana Shi­va: Farmer Sui­cides in India Linked to Debt, Globalization 

The Toi­let that can Help Save our Water and Ener­gy Problems 

Pres­sure Ris­es to Stop Use of Antibi­otics in Agriculture 

Slow Mon­ey: “Nur­ture Cap­i­tal” for Local Communities 

Faced with Water Woes, Cal­i­for­nia Increas­es Con­ser­va­tion with Gray­wa­ter Sys­tems: State revis­es Stan­dards for Reusing Wastewater 

Ancient Farm­ing Tech­niques to save the Campo 

Japan­ese Town Frees Itself From Petroleum 

Paul Hawkins Com­mence­ment Address to the Class of 2009 Uni­ver­si­ty of Portland 

Using the ordi­nary to cul­ti­vate the mys­te­ri­ous pow­er of ben­e­fi­cial indige­nous microorganisms 

Could Food Short­ages take Down Civilization? 

Worm Wran­gling: Why I Love Keep­ing Worms More Than Keep­ing Bees 

Indi­a’s Green Farm­ing Rev­o­lu­tion Head­ed for Collapse 

Bill Moy­ers inter­views William Black who wrote The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One

Burn­ing Our Bridges to the 21st Century 

Chick­ens giv­en roosts in urban backyards 

Inter­view with a Prep­per (mod­ern day survivalist) 

Inter­view with Bill Mollison 

Green­ing the Ghet­to with Van Jones 

His­toric Move in Europe: Divert farm sub­si­dies from rich cere­al ranch­es to small tra­di­tion­al farms 

Scared to CodeX Death 

Chi­na’s Cher­ry Auto Co makes Elec­tric Car with 93 mile range 

Dig a Gar­den to become Reces­sion Proof 

Masanobu Fukuo­ka: Apply­ing Nat­ur­al Farm­ing Tech­niques in Africa

Make Water from Air

Solar in the Desert: Project Will Pow­er 11,000 homes 

Search on to Get Food Crops Out of Biofuel 

Organ­ic Farm­ing Could Feed Africa

Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine: What’s Eat­ing Amer­i­ca by Michael Pollan 

Why Not to Use Plas­tic Bags 

Masanobu Fukuo­ka pio­neer of ‘‘nat­ur­al’’ farm­ing pass­es away at 95 

Gavio­ta: Colom­bi­a’s Green Eco-village 

Sus­tain­able Eating 

Rain Water Catchment 

Cost­ly Farm Fer­til­iz­er Killing the Ocean

The Facts Behind King Corn 

Tra­di­tion­al Dairies Feel Vin­di­cat­ed as Mon­san­to Divests Itself of Dairy Hormones 

Old Fash­ioned Farm­ing with Solar Pan­els — Ken­tucky Suc­cess story 

Reclaim­ing an Eco Sys­tem — Cal­i­for­nia Suc­cess Story 

Who Says Good Nutri­tion Means Ani­mal Fats? West­on A. Price

Unbe­lie­ve­able Plas­tic Buildup in Pacif­ic Ocean 

Hait­ian Women Reduced to Feed­ing Their Chil­dren Dirt mixed with Salt and Veg­etable Shortening 

Organ­ic agri­cul­ture: 70 peer-reviewed sci­en­tif­ic articles 

Is Your Pic­nic Filled with Franken-Food? 

The Incred­i­ble Edi­ble Front Lawn 

Orches­trat­ing Famine: A Must-Read Back­grounder on the Food Crisis 

Slow Food Nation comes to San Francisco 

Appro­pri­ate Tech­nol­o­gy for Gar­den Irri­ga­tion: The Rope-Wash­er Pump 

2000 year old Date Palm Seed Grows 

Live­stock Guard Dogs 

Bush Hog­ging Amer­i­can Style or Slash­ing Aus­tralian Style 

Sun­ny or Windy, Which suits your Alter­na­tive Ener­gy Needs? 

Roof Top Wind Farms 

Ecosys­tems with Many Plant Species Pro­duce More and Sur­vive Threats Better 

Giant BioTech Com­pa­nies are Patent­ing Genes to Resist Cli­mate Change 

Hors­es Aban­doned in West­ern US as Feed Prices Rise 

Is Water becom­ing the New Peak Oil?

Fam­i­ly Seed Com­pa­ny Takes on Goliath 

Why Bananas are a Para­ble for Our Time 

Ped­al­ing Toward Clean­er Cities

Peren­ni­al Poly­cul­ture Farm­ing- Seeds of Anoth­er Agri­cul­tur­al Revolution

Sink­ing with­out Trace: Aus­trali­a’s Cli­mate Change Vic­tims in The Independent 

Tak­ing the Fear Out of Eat­ing Fat 

Prin­ci­ples of a Healthy Diet 

The Gospel of Con­sump­tion and The Bet­ter Future We Left Behind in Ori­on Magazine 

Bicy­cle Shar­ing Pro­gram to Be First of Its Kind in US in the New York Times 

Avoid­able Hunger: More than bio­fu­els and pop­u­la­tion growth, it is rich coun­tries’ agri­cul­tur­al sub­si­dies that are caus­ing hunger in the devel­op­ing world in the Guardian

Eat Local­ly, Sur­vive Glob­al­ly in the Toron­to Star 

How to Be A Cli­mate Hero in Ori­on Magazine 

Thou­sands Turn out in Aus­tralia to Hear Cuban Per­ma­cul­tur­ist Robert Perez (who was in the video The Pow­er of Com­mu­ni­ty: How Cuba Sur­vived Peak Oil) 

Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth. Major New study Shows Genet­i­cal­ly Mod­i­fied Food Pro­duces 10% less food than its con­ven­tial equivalent 

Entire Vil­lage Of Mar­tin UK turns Against Super­mar­kets and Grows Its Own Food 

Indi­a’s Farm­ers Com­mit­ting Sui­cide from Bur­den of Cor­po­rate Spon­sored “Green Rev­o­lu­tion” — San Fran­cis­co Chronicle 

Back­yard Answer to the Ener­gy Cri­sis with Per­ma­cul­ture co-founder David Holm­gren in the Syd­ney Morn­ing Herald 

Build an Inte­gral Pas­sive Solar Hot Water Heater 

Cana­di­an Per­cy Schmeis­er’s decade-long legal bat­tle with Mon­san­to has final­ly come to an end. 

Young Urban­ites Are Becom­ing Farm­ers- in New York Times 

Food Cri­sis Will Take Hold Before Cli­mate Change warned Chief Sci­en­tist-in The Guardian 

How to Make a Liv­ing Wil­low Dome from Long Wil­low Whips –from Wil­lows Nurs­ery in England 

How to Decode Egg Car­tons: Not All Eggs Are Cre­at­ed Equal by Lau­ra Sayre in Moth­er Earth News 

The Home­stead Poul­try Flock by Har­vey Ussery, permaculturist 

New Doc­u­men­tary King Corn is a lot more than filler fare by Angela Woodall from

The Five Stages of Col­lapse: Sur­viv­ing the Col­lapse of the Sovi­et Union by Dmit­ry Orlov 

Use of Per­ma­cul­ture under drought and salin­i­ty con­di­tions from the Per­ma­cul­ture Research Institute

Wild Rice Moon by Winona LaDuke in Yes! Mag­a­zine Sum­mer 200: Food for Life 

Ricekeepers‑a Strug­gle to Pro­tect Bio­di­ver­si­ty and a Native Amer­i­can Way of Life by Winona LaDuke (Ojib­we Band) and exec­u­tive direc­tor of Hon­or the Earth in Ori­on Mag­a­zine Jul/Aug ’07 

Can­di­date Cal­cu­la­tor. Easy to Use. Make a list of your val­ues, and see which can­di­date match your val­ues. From VA Joe.. 

How to Talk to a Cli­mate Skeptic 

Use of Gas from Dai­ly Wastes: Asian/Pacific Cul­tur­al Cen­ter for UNESCO 

What if bad fat is not so bad? MSNBC Dec 13, 2007 

How to Sleep Like a Hunter Gath­er­er- Not all peo­ple sleep in “giant sleep machines” Dis­cov­er Jan 2, 2008

Amy Wells, 8, sur­vives car crash in wild after read­ing Willie White­feath­er’s book Out­door Sur­vival Hand­book for Kids

Let­ting rain­wa­ter reign in the design process, instead of rout­ing water off­site, work it into the project 

This is The Hour: Mes­sage from Native Amer­i­can Hopi Elders 

Diet with a Lit­tle Meat Uses Less Land Than Veg­e­tar­i­an: Sci­ence Digest Oct 10, 2007

Safe, Inex­pen­sive Fer­til­iz­er for Food Crops: Sci­ence Dai­ly Oct 8, 2007 

Solar Soon to Be Cheap­er Than Coal 

Bay Area cleans up oil spill with hair and mushrooms

Moth­er Earth News Inter­view: Bill Mollison 

Per­ma­cul­ture Reflec­tions: Inter­view with Geoff Lawton 

In Context:Interview with Bill Mol­li­son

Arid Lands Newslet­ter: The Man Who Farmed Water 

The Independent/UK: A World Dying, but Can We Unite to Save It?

Per­ma­cul­ture A Qui­et Rev­o­lu­tion: Inter­view with Bill Mollison 

Seeds of Change Inter­view: Bill Mollison 

Seeds of Change arti­cle: Dar­ren Doher­ty comments 

Regen­er­a­tive Design 

The Future of Food: Monop­o­liz­ing Seeds that Feed the World by Devvy Kidd

What Will We Eat As The Oil Runs Out? by Richard Heinberg 

Deal­ing with Radioac­tive Fall­out on the Farm

Thriv­ing in the Age of Collapse

Bac­te­ria Makes you Smarter

Why Gar­den­ing Makes You Hap­py and Cures Depression