

~ Earth Care ~ Peo­ple Care ~ Fair Share ~

 Dear Friends, 

   We are in a time of great change. It is more impor­tant than ever that we grow our own food, learn to for­age, have our own cot­tage busi­ness­es, make con­nec­tions, cre­ate com­mu­ni­ty and visu­al­ize a new Design for Earth and Our­selves. Take time to laugh, learn and have fun. Con­sid­er gath­er­ing what you need to be as self suf­fi­cient as pos­si­ble. Cre­ate an affin­i­ty group of like-mind­ed peo­ple to work togeth­er to cre­ate a sus­tain­able future for your­self, your fam­i­ly, neigh­bor­hood and com­mu­ni­ty. There has nev­er been a bet­ter time to take a Per­ma­cul­ture Design Course to get you up to speed, or hold a cus­tomized work­shop at your place or on our Prac­ti­cal Per­ma­cul­ture Farm. Our stu­dents tell us these class­es give them the con­fi­dence to make prac­ti­cal pos­i­tive changes in their lives quick­ly and give them great hope in a chang­ing world to take care of them­selves, their  loved ones and their com­mu­ni­ty.  We promise you…you will be real­ly inspired!!! 


(IN UPDATE MODE) Click here Work­shops & Classes. 

Our next on-farm class­es are start­ing April 26, ’25. Do you want to be there?


Let us know if  you are inter­est­ed in becom­ing a Per­ma­cul­ture pro­fes­sion­al or using pro­fes­sion­al Per­ma­cul­ture Design knowl­edge to pur­chase prop­er­ty or for design­ing or upgrad­ing your own farm, house, rur­al, urban or sub­ur­ban homestead. 

Land con­sults, and phone con­sults, too.

 If you are inter­est­ed in a con­sul­ta­tion or sus­tain­abil­i­ty assess­ment- which can include a wild­fire defen­si­ble space review, please con­tact us for more details. 


  Wish­ing you an abun­dant future,


  Phone: 530–432-5109 farm phone with voice­mail no text

  530–864-5036 cell with text

  Mail: PO Box 501, Rough and Ready, CA 95975

   E‑mail: practicalpermaculture@gmail.com

  Face­book: PracticalPermaculture

    Click on Com­mu­ni­ty link above to see Per­ma­cul­ture Videos, Resources, Articles. 


 “I did it! I grad­u­at­ed from the Per­ma­cul­ture Design Course!

 A huge thank you to instruc­tor Cathe’ Fish for invest­ing her heart in this class and  shar­ing her wis­dom. Nev­er a dull moment, this course was jam packed with mate­r­i­al and hands on expe­ri­ence, and takes place on a liv­ing, breath­ing per­ma­cul­ture farm com­plete with food for­est. Cathe’ is a high ener­gy, moti­va­tion­al teacher who goes above and beyond sim­ply teach­ing agri­cul­tur­al sys­tems, to bring us social design prin­ci­ples applic­a­ble to every aspect of life. These are prin­ci­ples I will use every sin­gle day for the rest of my life, as they have become part of my mindset.”


       “Thank you. This course gave me hope, which I bad­ly need.”


 “It’s like some­one turned on a light bulb. I could­n’t stop talk­ing about the course. It was amaz­ing!  An excel­lent blend of facts, gen­er­al info, details, con­cepts. It was the shot in the arm/kick in the pants I need­ed, and so many won­der­ful peo­ple to work with. I look for­ward so much to what will emerge from these seeds that were plant­ed.”  ~ M.McNeal


 “Great expe­ri­ence! Non stop and high ener­gy. All the info I hoped for and so much more. Very well orga­nized and held my atten­tion at all times. Very thor­ough cov­er­age of the many con­nect­ed aspects of Per­ma­cul­ture and our place in the big pic­ture — local and glob­al. I am infi­nite­ly more opti­mistic about the future.”
~ HG, archi­tect Port Ange­les, WA


  “Excel­lent Course. I want to take any future work­shops you do. This course was so infor­ma­tive.  Sur­passed expectation.”


 “Thanks for such a won­der­ful­ly infor­ma­tive and inspir­ing course!  I’m order­ing my solar  cook­er and the oth­er solar kitchen gear today.” ~ J.G. author Straw­ber­ries in November


 “Eye open­ing, mind expand­ing. Well diver­si­fied info that is prac­ti­cal and usable. Inte­gra­tion of many sys­tems that makes sense. Thanks for shar­ing your life expe­ri­ences and your light.” ~ P.R. Auburn


 “Great course with inten­sive prac­ti­cal tips and ideas, lots of info tight­ly packed in.”


 “Excel­lent course! It is so use­ful to have this abun­dance of infor­ma­tion syn­the­sized by some­one so knowl­edge­able. It has giv­en me a start­ing point to tack­ling some­thing that has seemed so overwhelming.” 


 “Ter­rif­ic course. 12 out of 10.” 


 ” Incred­i­bly inspir­ing and infor­ma­tion­al. It was a ton of great infor­ma­tion and very inspi­ra­tional. The hands-on ele­ment real­ly made it all come togeth­er. I’m excit­ed to do more and be bet­ter pre­pared for the future — and more con­nect­ed with oth­ers in the community,”


 “I learned so many new things, such excit­ing and prac­ti­cal ideas for recov­ery of the old ways for a health­i­er earth and health­i­er people.”


 “I enjoyed your course so much. It was such a nice com­bo of down home sus­tain­able liv­ing ideas, and prac­ti­cal gar­den­ing tips, and so warm and won­der­ful with the addi­tion of the ideas around nutri­ent dense food and fermentation…and your per­son­al­i­ty. Very hope­ful feel­ing, that this can still be done in our days, and how cru­cial it is, and that we can spread it more and more.”


 “From Per­ma­cul­ture Co-Founder Bill Mol­li­son: “This course has already changed a lot of the world. Come help us change the rest.”